Belgian Association of
Ambulatory Surgery
National congress of the BAAS
On Friday, March 14, 2025 the BAAS is organizing his biennial national conference.
The theme will be: new technologies in ambulatory surgery.
What do Artificial Intelligence and remote monitoring bring us?
How do we deal with the scarcity of nurses versus an increasingly heavy workload?
Location: UZ Leuven
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Our recent meetings:
The 2023 Belgian congress on ambulatory surgery
“Sustainability in ambulatory surgery”
took place in the Military Hospital Queen Astrid,
Neder-Over-Heembeek (Brussels) on Saturday May 13th
this was the program
The 14th International Congress was organized in Bruges, Belgium May 30/31 – June 1 2022
Local organizers were the BAAS (Belgian association) and the NVDK (Dutch association)
this was the program
The 2021 Belgian meeting on September 24th was an hybrid online/live “Refresher Course”
this was the program
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